Year:2013   Volume: 5   Issue: 2   Area: Tarih

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Said Olgun

Siirt People´s House and Its Activities (1934-1951)

This study examines the activities of Siirt People´s House and its nine branches and evaluates the effect of these activities on the educational and cultural life of the people. In order to spread Kemalist principles and reforms and to craft a national identity, the People´s House offered Turkish reading and writing courses, violin courses, organized conferences, theater and cinema screenings, village visits, sports activities, and many more activities.

Keywords: People´s Houses, Siirt, Education, Turkey, Atatürk

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Siirt Halkevi ve Faaliyetleri (1934-1951)

Bu çalışma Siirt Halkevi ve dokuz şubesinin faaliyetlerini inceleyerek halkın eğitim ve kültür hayatına etkilerini tespit etmektedir. Atatürk ilke ve inkılaplarının benimsetilmesi ve millet olma bilincinin geliştirilmesi amacıyla Türkçe okuma ve yazma kursları, keman kursları, konferanslar, tiyatro ve sinema gösterimleri, köy gezileri, sportif aktiviteler ve daha birçok faaliyet gerçekleştirilmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Halkevleri, Siirt, Eğitim, Türkiye, Atatürk

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